jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009


The term "gynandromorph" literally means part female (gyn-) and part male (andro-). You might ask how such a thing can happen -- well, here's the answer. Stick with me here, as this requires some significant explanation!!
All sexually reproducing organisms begin existence as a single cell, a zygote, which is a fused sperm and egg cell. This cell then divides and divides, eventually making all the different cells in the body. During the process of cell division, some cells obviously become different from others (a process called differentiation) and ultimately a cell's development becomes determined at some point, that is, it enters a developmental pathway that determines what it will become (a muscle cell, a nerve cell, a cell lining the intestine, etc.).
In humans, the earliest cell divisions are indeterminate, which means that the developmental pathway is still flexible for all of the cells. An interesting side benefit of this is that, if one of these early cells happened to be destroyed, the end result is that it has virtually NO effect on development, since the other cells are still "flexible" in what they can become.
On the other hand, each cell division in insects, from the zygote on, is completely determinate, which means that decisions about what a cell will become are made with each division. The decisions that are made with the earliest cell divisions are as follows:
First division (of zygote) -- determines left and right sides
Second division -- determines front and back (at this point, there would be four cells, a front left, a front right, a back left and a back right)
Third division -- determines top from bottom (at this point, there would be eight cells, a front upper left, a front lower left, and so on)
Just to follow up on what I said about humans, if an insect cell were to be damaged after the third division, say the lower back right cell, you would end up with seven-eighths of an insect (missing the back lower right part of the abdomen, for instance) if development coul
COLECT BY :by. Javier zavala lopez
House insetcs of Peru
colecting in jungle river huallaga
Tingo Maria -Peru
celular is +51 933857032 phone 0051 283850
e-mail : insectoszavala@yahoo.com


mosaic gynandromorph of Papilio Morpho didius

Esta mariposa es de la famila Morphidae , pero es una especies muy especial, por que es una gynantromorpho , es muy raro que salgue de este tipo de Mariposas. por es de doble sexo. Por que en las alas se demuestra de unos mozaicos de macho y hembra del cual es muy Raro y exótico. Esta especie fue colectado en la selva del Perú. en 12 de diciembre del 2003 en las riveras del alto huallaga en la ciudad De Tingo maria-

por javier zavala lopez -House Insects of peru EIRL

by This butterfly is from the family Morphidae, but it is a very special species, that is a gynantromorpho, rarely leave these Butterflies. by sex is twofold. That is demonstrated in the wings of some Mozaic of male and female which is very rare and exotic. This species was collected in the jungle of Peru. on December 12, 2003 on the banks of the Upper Huallaga in the city of Tingo Maria by: javier zavala lopez- House insects of Peru.

Gynantromorpho en Morpho didius ( wing betwen wing at the bottom)

A gynandromorph can have bilateral asymmetry, one side female and one side male, or they can be mosaic, a case in which the two sexes aren't defined as clearly. Bilateral gynandromorphy arises very early in development, typically when the organism has between 8 and 64 cells.[5] Later the gynandromorph is mosaic.


Gynantromorpho Morpho didius ( Peru)

gynandromorph is an organism that contains both male and female characteristics. The term gynandromorph, from Greek "gyne" female and "andro" male, is mainly used in the field of Lepidopterology (butterfly/moth study) or entomology (all insects). These characteristics can be seen in butterflies, where both male and female characteristics can be seen physically because of sexual dimorphism. Cases of gynandromorphism have also been reported in crustaceans, especially lobsters, sometimes crabs and even in birds.[1][2][3] A clear example in birds is the gynandromorphic Zebra Finch. These birds have lateralised brain structures in the face of a common steroid signal, providing strong evidence for a non-hormonal primary sex mechanism regulating brain differentiation
